Sunday, October 12, 2008

Bed Banks

Bed banks made with good spring system is becoming more popular. The user will get good sleep as he feels that the money is safe with him under the bed!

Beds were once seen as the best places to stash your goods, but with the global recession gaining momentum, it is now being seen as the place to stash money.

For many it may not sound like the best option, as it does not provide the same securities as a current account, but there are some who have decided that they would like their weekly wages stashed there.

The option to hide their savings in a bed is also picking up, as one bed-maker has reported that he is getting many enquiries from customers regarding a "bed bank". The bed is made with a special spring system, and it also ensures a good night sleep without fear of the money being found.

"Our beds are designed to provide a good night’s sleep and with the Miracoil system, nothing can impact on it’s comfort," Amanda Jones, marketing director at Silentnight said.

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